Local Eggs
5 Reasons to Eat Local Pasture Raised Eggs
- Support your local community! When you buy pasture raised eggs from a farm in your area, the money has the opportunity to stay in the community and can be used again helping other local businesses and families.
- Healing land. Pastured poultry involves movement, because of that movement the land gets lightly disturbed and fertilized by the chickens. The land is improved with with each passing flock.
- Health benefits. Pennsylvania State University published a study in 2010 and the results showed the eggs raised on pasture had higher levels of Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
- Taste. Pasture raised chickens enjoy eating worms, bugs, grass, and seeds. The combination causes their yolks to be a rich yellowish orange and the flavor to be far superior to conventional eggs.
- Trust. Buying local pasture raised eggs allows you to really know where your food comes from and how it’s raised. You can know the farmer, see the healthy animals and visit the farm!
some click over to our store and get your local pasture raised eggs today.